Friends of the Chester Valley Trail



September 19, 2012                                          East Whiteland Township Bldg. 7:00pm

Presiding: Tim Lander

Present: Lander, Cochlin, Warren & O’Leary

Absent: Hoke & Broennle

Guests: 10


1.  Minutes – minutes from the July 17th meeting were not provided and will be reviewed at the Dec.              meeting

2.  Treasurers Report – current balance is $1,811.84

3.  County UpdatePark Supt. Owen Prusack, along with a Crew Leader and a Park Ranger, were present. Owen gave an overview of the new County Facilities and Parks Dept. reorganization and the locations that he is responsible for. He advised that the new Exton Park Trailhead restroom facilities were open on Aug. 2 and that work is proceeding to add heat to the building. He reviewed the status of repairs to Church Farm Lane and that work may yet be done this year. The trail has been recently mowed. He reviewed the construction status of Phase 2 incl. the bridge abutments, new culvert installation and the contractor’s plan to have all the base course asphalt installed by year end.

4. Bacton Hill Rd. crossing – Supt. Prusack advised that a field meeting with East Whiteland Twp. and County reps would take place tomorrow, Sept. 19th, to review the existing conditions and develop a plan for visibility and safety improvements. Steve Warren reported that going Eastbound on the trail is the worst. A discussion was held with all present to review a number of possible options, corrections, etc. including berm reductions, more signage, road speed reduction, additional gates on the trail, etc.

4.  Trail Construction Updates – Bob O’Leary provided updates on the Montgomery County link of the CVT to the SRT. Phase 1 from Norristown to Rt. 202 should be done in ’13, but Phase 2 which completes the portion to Gulph Rd. is still in design and awaiting funding. Bob also advised that Phase 3 of the CVT, the Ship Rd. to Exton Main St. gap, should begin construction in spring ’13

5.  Trail Signage – Tim inquired about the project to install interpretive historical signs along Phases 1, 2 & 3. Bob O. advised that he had recently emailed County officials about getting the sign group back together to move this forward. In addition, Bob O. advised that the Friends was getting pricing for 4 trailhead parking directional signs and was working with E. Whiteland Twp. for installation.

5. Board Items – Tim asked Supt. Prusack if opportunities existed for volunteer days on the trail. Owen advised that new mileage markers would be obtained shortly and they would welcome help with the installations. They will advise Tim when they are ready and the Friends will post and ask for volunteers, etc.

6. New Matters – A guest asked Owen about the policy of posting items on the trail kiosks. He advised that requests should be sent to him and if appropriate they will post. Bob O. also provided updates on the new TMACC studies on the Rt. 29 corridor and a connection from Paoli to the CVT.


Next meeting is November 20th


The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM


Minutes respectfully submitted by Bob O’Leary






