Friends of the Chester Valley Trail


January 18, 2011                  East Whiteland Township Bldg. 7:00pm

Presiding: Bob O’Leary                                       Board members present: Mike Broennle, Bob Cochlin, Phil Hoke, and Tim Lander


1.    Nominations

Tim Lender reported the current board members have all indicated their willingness to serve again.  There were no nominations from the floor.  The current board members were unanmousily reappointed.

2.  Officers

      Current officers agreed to continue to serve.

3.  Minutes from Nov 16, 2010 were approved without change.  Mike Broennle will email them to Phil   Hoke who will add to the website.

4.  Superintendent’s Report

     Ian Currie reported

·    800 feet of wooden fencing, in last year’s budget, is being installed by a contractor at Malin Station.

·    Trail entrance gates are being modified with new vandal proof pins, proven effective at the Struble Trail.

·    The two current kiosks were Eagle scout projects.  There may be a third. Coming.

·    Ranger Rachel Bishop has completed orientation and begun patrolling.  The two regional rangers assigned to the CVT will be introduced at the next meeting on 3/15. Volunteer roles will be discussed then.  With the seasonal decline in trail use, motorized ranger patrols have been increased.  As the weather improves patrols will be additionally increased.

·    Graffiti has occurred at the Malin Station [presumably in the box culvert].  Surveillance cameras are in now place.  Park & Rec strategy is to quickly repaint by rangers or maintenance workers.  Definitive treatment is to power wash and paint when warmer.  Murals are under consideration as art work is less likely to be defaced.

·    Benches:  Dialogue continues towards and Park & Rec standard for benches.

·    Mile markers:  Mile post 0 is under discussion in light of progress on the tentative trail route in Montgomery County.  MP 0 may be designated at the trail origin in Montgo City.  If the current MP 0 at the Chester County line at Warner Rd is changed, the present posts will be updated.

·    Vandalism:  There has been some vandalism along the future right of way in Tredyfrrin Twp.

·    Phase 2:  Construction will start in the 2nd quarter, 2011.  Completion tentatively will be in the 3rd quarter 2012 – 1st quarter 2013 with a soft opening date in late 2012.

·    Phase 3 is new on the calendar with planning, design and permitting through 2012.  Construction of Ship Rd to Exton will probably occur in 2012 with the remainder to the Struble Trail in Downingtown occurring in the last 3 quarters of 2013 to 2014.

·    Schuykill River Trail:  Construction on the Crombie section of the SRT should be completed in the 2nd quarter of 2011.  The next section towards Pottstown starts construction in 2011.

·    Snow removal:  Because of the CVT’s designation as a commuter route, Park & Rec’s goal is to clear snow in 24-72 hrs.

5.  Membership

     The initial membership drive is open.  Applications have been printer and distributed to the email list of supporters.  Bob O’Leary has placed forms in the Tredyfrrin Public Library and Township Hall.  Pending sites are the trail kiosks [? responsible person]; Bike Line in Wayne, E and W Whiteland Twp buildings  [O’Leary]; bike shops in Downingtown, Exton, West Chester, Paoli and Wallingford.  Phil Hoke is drafting and will print membership cards.  Mike Broennle and Bob O’Leary will send letters acknowledging membership with a member card to new members.  Sponsors will be asked if they want to be listed on the web site. 

     A member database was discussed.  Phil Hoke will draft; Mike Broennle will administer.

6.  Financial

     Bob Cochlin reported PayPal wants a hard address until we have 501©3 status.


7.  Phase 2

     A second community meeting was held in Tredyfrrin Twp.  There is a section of trail where property owners own the proposed trail right of way.  Additional funds are being sought for fencing which is not usually government funded.  Trail neighbors are being included in the design phase.  The Tredyfrrin Twp Manager and Chief of Police were present.  As a point of information, other jurisdictions have not experienced crime with their trails.

8.  Montgomery County

     There has been new movement on acquisition of right-of-way and design for their portion of the CVT.

9.  Usage counts

     Superintendent Currie reported usage counts are derived from rangers’ estimates.  Park & Rec will probably obtain fixed counters in this fiscal year.  The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Association [DVPRC] will do an official count in the spring, probably in April.

10.  Bike to Work Week

     Molly Duffy from TMACC [Transportation Management Assoc of Chester County] is our liaison.  She is seeking contact with commuters.

11.  Committees

     Bob O’Leary announced that volunteers are sought for Bike to Work Week / Day and a Family Bike Weekend.  For the latter he envisions a bike inspection station for minor maintenance.

12.  Web site

     Phil Hoke and Bob O’Leary reported the Montgomery County Community College student who worked on an update for the website as a class project earned an “A.”  They met with her and discussed some changes.  The current site rests in Phil’s Verizon account.

13.  Facebook

     Steve Warren is attending a Chester County Cycling Committee meeting tonight so there was no report.

14.  202 & 29

     TMACC has Information meetings scheduled about the widening of SR 202 and the construction of the SR 29 slip ramps with the PA Turnpike on 1/19 and 1/24.  Several board members plan to attend.

15.  Bike shops

     Bike shops will be separately listed on the web site if they offer discounts to CVT members and if they are paying sponsors.

16.  501(c)3

     Bill Casswell has been busy personally.  His draft of the 501(c)3 application is due this week.  It will be reviewed and polished as needed by Bob Williams from the CC Park & Rec office.

17.  Treasurer’s report

     Bob Cochlin reported revenue of $650 through this evening.  


Next meeting:   Tuesday, March 15, 2011, East Whiteland Township Bldg.


 Respectfully submitted,

A. Michael Broennle


