Friends of the Chester Valley Trail
October 19, 2010 East Whiteland Township Bldg.
Presiding: Bob O’Leary Board members present: M Broennle, R Lander
5 other attendees + Park Superintendent I Currie
Trail Update CVT Superintendent Ian Currie gave a detailed report on the CV Trail:
· Phase 2 engineering continues. 7.5 mi. $15M in CMAC funds are available in 2011. There are 2 culverts and 2 bridges. An underpass is planned to cross Warner Rd. There will be a 45 car trailhead at N Valley Rd. Bids will tentatively be solicited in Mar-Apr 2011. Construction should start in late Summer/early Fall and is anticipated to take 2 years. Attendee comment: Based on disappointment of residents near the Church Rd bridge, please consider designing access near all crossed roads.
· A third sinkhole appeared today on the southeast of the Church Rd bridge area; erosion has exposed utility lines in the same area.
· Signage: Quarter mile markers on reflective flexi posts, will be finished this week.
· Post and rail fence was installed at E Whiteland Twp to discourage cutting across the grass. Landscaping is planned there.
· Fencing is planned for culverts at Bacton Hill and at Malin Station.
· 2 Eagle scout project kiosks are ready; anticipated to be installed at Battle of the Clouds Park and E Whiteland Twp Bldg.
· Vandals have “rocked,” i.e. broken 2 gates at Bacton Hill Rd; this can occur because of a design flaw; they will be fixed; in the future an improved gate design will be used.
· Emergency and maintenance access at gates is by combination.
· Safety: Additional traffic signs have been placed at the Rt 401 / Conestoga Rd crossing; there has been 1 rear end collision as drivers adjust to the trail crossing.
· Tree work is pending at Commerce Dr. [? In Exton]
· A new ranger has been hired for Springton Manor / CVT. Frequent patrols occur on the CVT by foot, cycle, and vehicles including ATV gators.
· There is debris to be cleaned off the trail. Leaves are an issue between Malin Station and Rt 29. A biweekly cleanup using a vehicle mounted blower will be alternating between Springton Manor and the CVT.
· A meeting is scheduled with the East Whiteland police to bring them up-to-date.
· Hunters have been noted to be using the CVT for access for poaching.
· The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission [DVRPC] will be doing a federally required user count in the Spring 2011.
· The Chester County Parks and Recreation dept has been merged with the CC Facilities Dept which Ian views as a positive change for both routine care and larger projects on the CVT.
· There was a discussion of the possible roles for volunteers in light trail maintenance. B O’Leary reported a successful volunteer work program on the Cynwyd Trail that requires volunteers to complete a state safety certification program. I Currie stated he will identify a point person to represent the Park & Rec Dept on this issue.
· Park & Rec has been working quietly on the unimproved section of CVT from Ship Rd to Exton performing surveying, mowing of the right or way, clearing to repair a culvert, and identifying a drainage issue behind the Sunoco tank farm. This section will be signed: “Under construction” as it is not ready for public use. An agreement is in progress regarding the Giunta property, the old inn/hotel.
· The Exton Trailhead is continues to undergo archeological review. This area north and west of the CVT at Church Farm lane is phase 1 of 4 in the development of the county’s portion of the Church Farm park site. It will provide parking and restrooms. Next step is approvals and permits. Construction is anticipated to begin in the Spring 2011, finishing in Fall 2011 weather permitting.
Montgomery County B O’Leary reported funding issues are delaying MontCo’s acquisition of abandoned rail bed in Bridgeport. Construction of 3.5 mi of trail between Warner Rd and Norristown Transportation Center/Schuykill River Trail is estimated to cost $8.5M including 2 bridges. Because of the CVT’s commuting potential, Transportation Management Association of Chester County [TMACC] will write MontCo requesting they adopt a schedule similar to CC’s Phase 2 and seek a letter of support from the TMA of Greater Valley Forge, the TMA for the pertinent portion of Montco. B O’Leary will seek supporting letters to Montco from the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia, the Cycling Coalition of CC, and area cycling clubs. Getting business support was suggested without details.
Board Items
· B O’Leary noted the lack of a board quorum means a separate board meeting will be necessary, possibly next week.
· Committees need to be developed, i.e. Fund raising.
o Cost to set up 501c3 status could be $350-400.
o We have 45 email addresses of interested friends. Startup money is need for printing and mailing to develop a membership base.
o Perhaps an existing 501c3 could act as a conduit for our donations while awaiting our own 501c3 status.
· A Program Committee activities should/could include:
o Volunteer work sessions
o Bike to Work activities in Spring 2011. Representatives of the TMACC will discuss at our Nov mtg.
o Family activities
o Bike maintenance sessions trailside.
Logo B O’Leary reports no activity since initial designs by P Hoke and others. He is seeking a graphic artist, perhaps a student to advance this.
Facebook No new info since S Warren is unable to be here. Is up and running.
Website B O’Leary noted our site needs work. He reported the Friends of the Cynwyd Trail have an attractive site that was developed for $500, a gift from their president’s employer.
New matters
· B O’Leary reported Friends of the CVT may be interested in the Rails to Trails Conservancy’s 2011 calendar, a fund raiser. He will email info to the board members.
· M Broennle reported most of the roads accessing the trail are not cycling friendly. An attendee identified himself as a member of the E Whiteland Park & Recreation Board. He reported E Whiteland Twp developed trail plans about 5 years ago to support pedestrian and cycling accommodations on the bridges over 202 that were scheduled to be rebuilt to accommodate widening 202.. He found a poster illustrating the plans
Local residents desire safe trail connections between housing developments and twp parks and the CVT.
Respectfully submitted,
A. Michael Broennle