Friends of the Chester Valley Trail
Presiding: Bob O’Leary Board
members present: Mike Broennle, Bob Cochlin, Phil Hoke, Tim Lander and Steve
Park Superintendent Ian Currie, Ben LeGarde, 7 others
1. Minutes
2. Financial
· Bob Cochlin reported a current
balance of $611.79’
3. President’s Report
· Bob O’Leary relayed trail updates
presented by Dave Stauffer, Facilities Management, at the
· Phase II will be advertised for
bidding on Nov 16. Construction is
projected to take 18 mo. at a projected cost of $14.5 M. A precast concrete culvert will be used at
· Phase III,
· The Exton Park Trailhead
construction is underway with completion anticipated in May 2012. There will be 45 parking spaces and a
restroom facility.
· Preliminary planning has begun on Phase
IV, Exton to Downingtown. West of the SR
30 Bypass CC has no right-of-way.
4. Trail updates
· Superintendent Ian Currie began
discussing maintenance issues. There are
issues managing water coming from adjacent properties. In Malin Station 6 in pipes are washing water
onto the trail. The plan is to clean
this out and place heavier riprap to decrease silting.
· Park and Rec has a newly purchased
walk behind sweeper.
· Inadequate drainage at Bacton Hill
is causing water to back up in the
· Recent storms caused some downed
· There has been some vandalism of signs. Plan to place 8 x 8 in posts with
international signage every ¼ mi using 6 x 6 in plates [compared to 4 x 4 in on
the Struble Trail] with a brown background in the spring, 2012.
· Emergency response plan: Trail maps are in the CC
· Highway crossings: Concern was expressed from the audience that
kids do not always know to stop at highway crossings. Many users don’t push the button to activate
the flashing crossing signal.
· Ranger presence: With the opening of the
· A trail ambassador program was
discussed in generalities. Ambassadors would have email or phone contact with
Superintendent Currie as appropriate.
Broennle will abstract characteristics from other programs. Distinctive attire to identify ambassadors
was mentioned.
· Volunteer days for trail projects
will be scheduled monthly April through October. Vanguard employees will participate.
Next meeting:
Respectfully submitted,
A. Michael Broennle
Secretary draft