1Friends of the Chester Valley Trail
Presiding: Bob O’Leary Board
members present:
attendees: Terry Woodward
1. Minutes from
2. Trail Updates. Bob O’Leary relayed a phone report from park
Superintendent Ian Currie:
sink hole east of the
new graffiti.
fence is being installed at Malin Station.
600’ done, 1200’ to go.
is getting accustomed to the Phoenixville Pike / SR 113 crossing. No changes are planned by PennDOT. Bill Steele, E Whiteland Director of Public
Works will be contacted to cut back brush.
the Oct meeting of the CC Park & Recreation Board construction of the Exton
Trailhead was still anticipated in the Spring 2011. Efforts are being made to find a way to fund
Phase 2A linking the Church Farm section with the
kiosks are up [E Whiteland Twp Bldg and
meeting of County representatives and adjacent homeowners regarding easement
rights was contentious. Homeowners were
concerned about liability issues, privacy and screening. The meeting was discussed by the
Brandywine Bicycle Club has inquired about donating benches. John Mikowychok, Director of CC Park &
Recreation will work with them. Similar
benches are projected for Malin Station.
staff and equipment limitations, leaf removal is being managed with no
need to follow-up with Ian Currie regarding the contact for volunteer liaisons.
3. Checking
4. 501[c]3: Bob O’Leary reported the Assistant Director
of the Park & Rec board is an expert on 501[c]3.
5. Committee Reports
Nominating. Tim Lander will prepare for elections at the January
Membership. No progress. Goal is
have membership registration forms ready by late Dec.
No report.
6. Logo. We decided to use the Reading RR diamond
7. Flyer. Bob O’Leary will draft a flyer to include
new members’ areas of interest and demographics.
8. Web
site. Bob O’Leary reported the web
site is being designed as a school project by a college student who is studying
graphic arts and web design. Personal
issues have caused some delay.
10. Bike to Work.
Bob O’Leary distributed a handout from Molly Duffy at Transportation
Management Association of Chester County [TMACC}. May is International Bike to Work month. TMACC has sponsored competitions between
employer groups determined by miles ridden.
This is prolonged and complex.
Next meeting:
Respectfully submitted,
A. Michael Broennle