Draft: Friends of the Chester Valley Trail
Presiding: Tim Lander Board
members present: Mike Broennle, Bob Cochlin, Phil Hoke, Gail Lipstein, and
Steve Warren.
other attendees
1. Minutes
· Approved minutes for
2. Treasurer’s Report
· Bob Cochlin reported a balance of
$2511.32. One new member since the last
meeting. The PO Box rental was renewed
for 6 mos.
Superintendent Owen Prusack and
Facilities & Parks Capital Projects Coordinator Dave Stauffer reported:
· Phase II is
97% completed. Items remaining include
some fencing, striping, signs, and rehab of the
· Phase II remains closed because of
safety issues including damage to a section of fencing along the quarry west of
· Mile markers are being placed at
quarter mi intervals by County staff.
· Hazardous trees need attention.
· Temporary chain link fencing is in
place pending rehabbing of the old
· Guard rail needs revision at the
east side of the
· The new owner of the Westlakes
office campus is willing to discuss trail parking.
· Best projection of the opening date
at this time is the end of the first week of Dec.
· Phase III
bids were received Nov 8. The lowest
qualified bidder, Flyway Excavators, was recommended to the Commissioners who
will vote on Nov 21.
· The new culvert under the 202
widening site between
· Outside funding will be sought for
an outside water fountain.
· Tim Lander relayed from Bob O’Leary:
Phase I from the Schuylkill River Trail to
· Final design is pending for Phase
· No update available.
6. Trail connections
· Connections with
· Tredyferrin Twp. has provisional 5
year plans to connect D’Ambrosio Park to the CVT.
7. Signage
· Tim relayed from Bob O’Leary: Bids for historic signs are due to the County
by Dec 7.
8. Wegman’s
· The Friends plan to explore a
potential relationship with the
9. Phase IVa
· Plans are proceeding to build west
10. Phase IVb
· No current funding or plans for the
westward connection to the Struble Trail. Audience comments
11. Audience comments
· An attendee reported a recent collision
between a pedestrian and a cyclist, apparently without serious injury.
· The Friends board recently discussed a Trail
Ambassadors program. 2 attendees signed
up as interested.
Next meeting: January 21,
Respectfully submitted,
Mike Broennle