Draft: Friends of the Chester Valley Trail


March 19, 2013                                                  East Whiteland Township Bldg. 7:00 pm

Presiding: Tim Lander                                         Board members present: Mike Broennle, Bob Cochlin, Phil Hoke, Bob O’Leary and Steve Warren.

                                                                        Others: Owen Prusack, Ben Auble and 10 others


1.  Minutes

·    Minutes from Jan 15 were not available.

 2.  Treasurer’s Report

·  Bob Cochlin reported a current balance of $2,246.39.  The 2012 Federal Non-profit Tax Return has been filed.

 3.  County Update

·  Park Superintendent Owen Prusack reported on Phase 2 construction:      

    The detour for the Warner Rd culvert construction began 3/11, 3 mo early.

Plans for the bridges for N Valley Rd and Valley Forge Rd await PennDOT approval…their              construction criteria have changed.  It will take 12 weeks from approval to delivery.                          Installation must be after June 15 to avoid affecting school buses as each road will be                  closed for 4 days: Fri through Mon.

Construction is 65% completed.  Tentative completion is mid Aug.  Still plan to wait for                        completion to open.

A public meeting with Tredyffrin Township went well.  Tim Lander reported Tredyferrin Twp has         approved placing FAQs on its website.  A trail etiquette message should be posted.

Along Matthews Rd the trail will be completed to the east entry road of Uptown Worthington.               Uptown Worthington must complete their portion by contract; initially there may be a                      temporary trail placed.

The Cedar Hollow Rd crossing will be controlled by flasing lights.

Rangers are patrolling the Phase 2 construction areas and asking users to leave.

70% of Old Forge Crossing condo owners want a resident operated gate on a trail connection envisioned to be a graded path.  A dialogue is going on with Dave Stauffer from CC Facilities and Parks.

·  202 widening east of Battle of the Clouds Park:  The trail will be rerouted through a 235’ lighted concrete culvert.

·  Phase 3 Exton I:  Exton Trailhead to Iron Lake Blvd: W Whiteland Twp has approved the land development plan; goes to bid in April, completion expected on 2013.

·  Exton II: Exton Park site development will double the number of parking spaces, include 2 volleyball courts, go to bid in early Fall 2013, and be completed in 2014 at a cost of $500,000.

·  Phase 1 imrpovements:

The second set of D gates for Bacton Hill are ready for installation.  Permitting is complete for            excavation of the slope to improve visibility.

The second set of D gates at Conestoga Rd, SR 401 are next.

In public discussion a motion detector beam activation of the 401 flashers was suggested.  Owen         reported that is technically possible; the township maintains signals and would have to                  decide.  It was suggested that flashers are desirable at the Phoenixville Pike crossing.

·  A right-of-way issue may delay Montgomery County’s construction for the link between Norristown / Schuykill River Trail and the bridge across the Schuykill Expressway

4.  Trail signage

·  New mile markers have been installed in E Whiteland.

·  Historic markers:  Bob O’Leary reported an interpretative sign group is planning on 9 signs similar to those on the Radnor Trail; after the content is decided, a grant to fund will be sought; Facilities and Parks will install.

5. Board Items

·          The CC Planning Dept presented the draft Central CC Bicycle and Pedestrian Circulation Plan to a packed board room at the W Whiteland Twp building.on Feb 28.

·          The Friends have been invited to host a table at the Siemens Sustainability Fair on 4/22.

·          TMACC has begun planning Bike to Work events a kick-off bike ride from the Exton Trailhead to Wegman’s on Mon, May 13.

·          Forge – Heinz Trail: A coalition of trail advocates continues to meet to develop a trail connection linking Valley Forge NP, the Radnor Trail, and the Heinz National Wildlife Refuge. 

·          The Friends have been invited to host a table at Paoli Hospital’s Health Fair in mid-May.  Organizers include Activate CC and 7 twonships.

·          A discussion occurred on the Patriots’ Path and various connections between the CVT and Valley Forge Park.  A PennDOT pedestrian – bike bridge over the Schuykill River at Betzwood is going to bid in several weeks.


Next meeting: May 28

Respectfully submitted,   


Mike Broennle

