Draft: Friends of the Chester Valley Trail
Presiding: Tim Lander Board
members present: Mike Broennle, Bob Cochlin, Phil Hoke, Bob O’Leary and Steve
Owen Prusack, Ben Auble and 10 others
1. Minutes
from Jan 15 were not available.
2. Treasurer’s Report
· Bob Cochlin reported a current
balance of $2,246.39. The 2012 Federal
Non-profit Tax Return has been filed.
· Park Superintendent Owen Prusack
reported on Phase 2 construction:
detour for the
Plans for the bridges for
Construction is 65% completed. Tentative completion is mid Aug. Still plan to wait for completion
to open.
A public meeting with
Along Matthews Rd the trail will be completed to the east entry road of
Uptown Worthington. Uptown Worthington must complete their portion by contract;
initially there may be a temporary
trail placed.
The Cedar Hollow Rd crossing will be controlled by flasing lights.
Rangers are patrolling the Phase 2
construction areas and asking users to leave.
70% of Old Forge Crossing condo owners want a resident operated gate on a
trail connection envisioned to be a graded path. A dialogue is going on with Dave Stauffer
from CC Facilities and Parks.
· 202 widening
east of
· Phase 3
Exton I: Exton Trailhead to
· Exton II:
· Phase 1
The second set of D gates for Bacton Hill are ready for
installation. Permitting is complete for
excavation of the slope to
improve visibility.
The second set of D gates at
In public discussion a motion
detector beam activation of the 401 flashers was suggested. Owen reported
that is technically possible; the township maintains signals and would have to decide. It was suggested that flashers are desirable
at the Phoenixville Pike crossing.
· A right-of-way issue may delay
4. Trail signage
· New mile markers have been installed in
· Historic markers: Bob O’Leary reported an
interpretative sign group is planning on 9 signs similar to those on the Radnor
Trail; after the content is decided, a grant to fund will be sought; Facilities
and Parks will install.
5. Board Items
The CC Planning Dept presented the draft Central CC Bicycle and Pedestrian
Circulation Plan to a packed board room at the W Whiteland Twp building.on
Feb 28.
The Friends have been invited to host a table
at the Siemens Sustainability Fair
on 4/22.
TMACC has begun planning Bike to Work events a kick-off bike ride from the Exton Trailhead
to Wegman’s on Mon, May 13.
Forge –
Heinz Trail: A coalition of trail advocates continues to meet to develop a
trail connection linking Valley Forge NP, the Radnor Trail, and the Heinz
National Wildlife Refuge.
The Friends have been invited to host a table
at Paoli Hospital’s Health Fair in
mid-May. Organizers include Activate CC
and 7 twonships.
A discussion occurred on the Patriots’ Path and various connections
between the CVT and
Next meeting: May
Respectfully submitted,
Mike Broennle