Friends of the Chester Valley Trail
Presiding: Tim Lander Board
members present: Bob Cochlin, Phil Hoke, Bob O’Leary and Steve Warren.
Ed Auble and 12 others
1. Minutes
2. Financial
· Bob Cochlin reported a current
balance of $1,330.84 with no outstanding expenses.
3. Trail Updates
· Tim Lander presented updates on the
Phase 2 extension advising construction on the 7+ mile project should begin in
2 weeks by Alan Myers Const. Co. and is estimated to be complete in Nov. 2013.
He also advised that the Phase 3 Exton gap is still in the approval process in
West Whiteland Twp. with the next meeting to be on April 4. It is still hoped
that construction can begin this year.
· The Exton Park Trailhead
construction on schedule with completion anticipated in May. There will be 45
parking spaces and a restroom facility.
4. Meetings
· The West Whiteland Planning Comm.
will review the Phase 3 plans at it’s April 4 th meeting at
5. Tail Condition –
Phase 1
comments included – the existing small parking lot on
6. Events
to Work Week is scheduled for May 12 – 18 and Board member Mike Broennle is
working with TMACC to develop plans, events, schedules, etc. and will advise
7. Board Items
fundraising proposal was discussed with Virginia Marcille-Kerslake that is an
affinity program with PA Gas & Elec. that we may want to use in the future.
O’Leary advised that the IRS indicated our non-profit 501c3 application should
go forward and we should be receiving notification shortly.
renewal has been slower this year. The Board will check application holders
currently in use to make sure forms are available and send another reminder in
late April.
8. New Matters
Board was asked if motor assisted bikes were permitted on the trail. We wIll
check with Park & Rec administration and advise accordingly.
question of having bike speeds posted was raised as a growing concern. This
will be referred to the County as well.
Next meeting:
Respectfully submitted,
Bob O’Leary