Friends of the Chester Valley Trail
Presiding: Bob O’Leary Board
members present: Mike Broennle,
who attended: Steve Scarfone.
1. Trail updates:
reported maps will go up in the kiosks this week showing mileposts and
highlights. In discussion a concern was
raised that a kiosk would be desirable at the Church Farm site now.
usage data was distributed.
Phase 2
Bob O’Leary reported: PennDOT has delayed approval of the specs,
tentatively until late July, pushing back the bid process to perhaps August
which would mean awarding in October. At
this time it is not appropriate to ask state legislators to apply pressure.
Exton Trailhead
On schedule for completion this
Phase 3a Exton Link
Is in design. Natasha Manbeck, CC Planning Dept., is
confident a grant for construction will be awarded.
2 Website
reported the site is up-to-date.
owes Hoke updated bike shop info.
3. Membership cards and acknowledgements
reported about 6 remain to be done.
4. 501(c)(3)
reported there has been no contact from
attorney Steve Soles in a month. Soles
had suggested changes in the Bylaws to be suitable for application for
incorporation in
5. Events
6. Potential programs
this summer
Bike inspection station courtesy of Exton Bikes
Bike Rodeo. Broennle stated we do not have the experience/expertise to
undertake this. He will observe the bike
rodeo scheduled at
Trail Ambassadors.
Awaiting a
discussion with CC Park & Rec rangers.
Other volunteer projects. Need to discuss with Superintendent Currie.
7. Natural Lands
Ben LeGarde has suggested FCVT partnering with
the Natural Lands Trust. LeGarde and
O’Leary meet with Molly Morrison, NLT Exec Dir. and discussed NLT teaching us
about fund raising for a fee. They would
provide guidance but not directly contacting potential donors. Bob distributed info re NLT. In discussion concern was raised whether the
FCVT is ready for this level of fund raising.
8. Financial
Cochlin reported. Opening a PayPal
account should await obtaining 501(c)(3) status.
9. Facebook
10. Comments from
Scarfone inquired about the purpose of funds raised. .
Next meeting:
Respectfully submitted,
A. Michael Broennle