Friends of the Chester Valley Trail


July 19, 2011                                                    East Whiteland Township Bldg. 7:00 pm

Presiding: Tim Lander                                         Board members present: Mike Broennle, Bob Cochlin, Steve Warren


1.  Minutes for 3/15/2011

·    Approved as submitted.

2.  Treasurer’s report

·    Bob Cochlin reported a balance of $1007.70.

·    Bob O’Leary requests a check for $400 for the 501©3 application.

·    Opening a PayPal account awaits obtaining 501c3 status.  Bob will then work with Phil Hoke to setup PayPal on the website.

3.  Membership

·    Mike Broennle reported very few new members.  Totals are Sponsors (=/>$100) 15; Family ($25) 16; Individual ($15) 12 for a total of 43 contributors.

·    We discussed focusing on Program Development at the September meeting since the Friends has not produced events and activities to encourage trail users to join.  We anticipate more interest in membership when Phase 2 is completed.

4.  Trail update

·    Tim Lander relayed information from John Mikowychok, Director of CC Park & Recreation: 

·    Phase 1: 

          1.  Malin Station has been improved to provide better ADA access. 

          2.  The new sinkhole at the Church Rd Bridge is scheduled for repair requiring closure of the trail at               the site from May 25 through 30.  No detour is planned.  Notice will be placed on Facebook.

          3.  All PennDOT issues have been resolved.

·    Phase 2:

          1.  At Westlake in Berwyn whether PennDOT needs to approve the road crossing is under                           discussion.

          2.  The culverts are being renumbered.

          3.  At Warner Rd near the planned culvert a PECO gas line must be relocated.

          4   Along Matthews Rd a storm water retention basin planned for the widening of SR 202 will                        require moving the trail.

          5.  There is an ADA issue regarding the slope at the Cedar Hollow Bridge that will require a                     switchback which will require an easement adjustment with Vanguard that must occur before bids              are solicited.  The cumulative effects will push advertising for bids back to September.

          6.  An agreement has been reached with YSC Sports for a trailhead on land they own near Warner               Rd.

          7.  An access ramp is planned for the West Valley Rd Bridge.

·    Montgomery County has a deal to acquire rail bed right of way.  Rail is to be removed.

·    Tim Lander relayed information from Ian Currie, Park Superintendent for the CCT:

          1.  A second mowing of the right-of-way is planned for early fall.

          2.  A herbicide may be needed to control bamboo.

          3. Restitution has been awarded for graffiti.

          4.  There has been one biker vs. pedestrian issue.

          5.  In the 2012 budget there will be a request to rent a mower.  There will be a Capital Equipment                  request for snow clearing equipment.

·    Bob O’Leary will request maps be installed in the kiosks.  He will request John Mikowychok finalize a bench standard.

·    Benches will be requested in the Phase 3 design.

5.  Incorporation

·  Mike Broennle will place the two newspaper ads required for PA Incorporation application.

6.  Patriots Path

·  Bob O’Leary is representing the CVT on the Patriots Path Committee which is meeting quarterly.  Malvern Borough, Tredyferrin and East Whiteland Townships participate as well as Jake Michaels, CC Planning Commission.  The vision is expanding and Willistown Township is now included.  The trail will link various trails and by ways in Chester and Montgomery Counties.  Under review is the Cedar Hollow spur which could link the Atwater Development off of SR 29,

7.  Facebook  

·  Steve Warren reports the CVT has 512 friends.


Next meeting:   Tuesday, September 20, 2011, East Whiteland Township Bldg., 7:00 pm


Respectfully submitted,   

A. Michael Broennle

Secretary                                      9/20/11